Music Curriculum Pack
All the information you need to access our curriculum information

Music Curriculum Pack
All the information you need to access all our curriculum information
Music Curriculum Pack
At Sing Education, we pride ourselves on our bespoke curriculum, designed to provide children with active music-making and progressive musical learning from Early Years through to the end of year 6. Our music lessons follow a sequenced and progressive curriculum, fully in line with the Model Music Curriculum and Development Matters, building pupils’ skill and knowledge incrementally to prepare them for KS3 and the wider world of music. We have produced a rich set of resources which we call the “Music Curriculum Pack” so that school leaders, music leads, teachers, parents and Ofsted can gain a clearer understanding of the pedagogy and progression across our music curriculum.

Accessing the Pack
To access the pack please FOLLOW THIS LINK and request access via Google Drive. Once access is granted (we aim to do this within 1 hour during working hours) you will be able to view and download the pack. (Please note, if you are not using your school email address it is helpful if you could add your name and school in the message section when you request access). We recommend using Google Drive where possible so you can always have the latest information. If you cannot access Google Drive please let us know and we can send you the latest version of the pack.
What’s Included?
The pack consists of the following documents:
1. Music Long Term Plan
2. Music Medium Term Planning
3. Music Expected Standard Statements
4. Music Intent and Implementation Template
5. Music Pupil Voice Questions
6. Music Around the World
7. Assessment Guide
It also contains a video guide on using the Curriculum Pack
We are continuously developing our resources for teachers, schools and parents so stay tuned for more.

Training and CPD
We provide training to all Sing Education staff on how to best utilise the Curriculum Pack to enhance music teaching in your school.
We hope this helps you to:
- gain a deeper knowledge of the music curriculum
- assess and monitor students’ progress
- prepare for Ofsted deep dives in music
If you have any questions about the pack please do not hesitate to ask. We hope that this new pack will be a great resource for you and your team.