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Music Changes Lives

Quick. Your first memory of school music? Christmas show Year 3? Guitar solo Year 6?

If music was key to your early academics and you loved it, you likely had a skilled teacher plus dynamic, engaging lessons. Just like ours.

But now you’re a headteacher shaping music at your own school. Lots of decisions.

Adding/replacing staff? Need multi-school experience, resources and PPA cover flexibility? If yes, Sing Education has a music strategy for you

The image shows a series of stylized, abstract white lines on a black background, creating a wave-like pattern that fades to the right side of the image. The design suggests motion and fluidity, with the lines converging at a point on the left and spreading out as they move rightward, giving a sense of expansion or release.
Icon used across website to show the content is designed for schools.

Music Changes Lives

Quick. Your first memory of school music? Christmas show Year 3? Guitar solo Year 6?

If music was key to your early academics and you loved it, you likely had a skilled teacher plus dynamic, engaging lessons. Just like ours.

But now you’re a headteacher shaping music at your own school. Lots of decisions.

Adding/replacing staff? Need multi-school experience, resources and PPA cover flexibility? If yes, Sing Education has a music strategy for you

Need Replacement Music Staff?

It happens.

A beloved teacher retires. 

Your music coordinator leaves for a new challenge.

When you need a teacher, look to Sing Education.

Our music provision service can meet your needs any time of year. Our expertise and years’ experience means we can recruit, train and onboard a new music teacher in weeks – not months. And not only do you get a skilled, credentialed, engaging music professional, you benefit from their classroom management, safeguarding and multi-school experience.

A joyful teacher with outstretched arms stands in front of a classroom, engaging with young students in green uniforms who are enthusiastically raising their hands, creating a lively and interactive learning environment. The classroom is adorned with educational materials, reflecting a focus on creative and active participation.
“A bright and promising future, with expanded opportunities for students to explore and excel in music.” Learn how Victoria Road headteacher Kelly Collens and the team at Sing Education put curiosity, learning and growth at the centre of the school’s strategy to achieve high-quality music education in Kent.
From The Royal Albert Hall to Peterborough Cathedral to Britain’s Got Talent – the next generation of young musical talent is taking centre stage. Learn how Sing Education’s high-quality curriculum, engaging co-curricular activities and specialist teaching talent combine to enable primary children to experience the transformative power of music.
Coming soon to a classroom near you! Sing Education believes in the transformative power of music. From mental wellbeing to educational aspirations to language acquisition, music has the ability to impact the trajectory of a child’s life. Learn how we’re bringing our brand of high-quality music education to new schools across the Midlands, West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester.

Ready to take the first step?

Sing Education offers tailored programmes for every need. Engagements as simple as supplying peripatetic instrumental instructors or replacing a single year-group teacher. To programmes as complex as developing school-wide curricular and extracurricular music.

Quotation marks

Sing Education is an authentic educational based organisation with music as a passion firmly at its centre and in all its values. I couldn’t recommend them enough and am so grateful for the
excellent music teaching and provision we have at school.

Dr Darren Jones - Headteacher, Southfield Primary School

Enhancing Your Music Offering?

Exciting times.

A new mandate for music. Additional budget for staff, instruments and extracurriculars.

When you need a fresh approach, look to Sing Education.

Our bespoke music provision suits all academic needs, budgets and settings. Implementing changes to strengthen your offering? Seeking PPA cover? Adjusting the timetable so assemblies and clubs are the heart of your expanded music programme? Overdue for a music audit and new equipment hire? Whatever your challenge, leave it to us.

Four ukuleles with varying wood finishes are arranged in a fan shape on a surface with faded, broad stripes, suggesting a setting that is both creative and musical. The smallest ukulele at the front features a lighter wood and colorful fret markers, while the others display a more traditional look, hinting at an environment that values both learning and the joy of music.
If it takes a village to raise one child, how many helping hands does it take to reach 28,000? That’s how many young lives Sing Education are able to touch each week, bringing the transformative power of music. Learn how we make good on this ancient proverb.
Spotlight on Downe Manor. Music programming that combines pupil excellence, curricular creativity and a flair for the dramatic – as in regular concert performances! Learn how the headteacher and Sing Education collaborate on high-quality music provision.
High-quality CPD for educators shares several distinct hallmarks – focus on pupil outcomes, robust evidence and expertise, a long-term strategic investments and prioritisation by senior leadership. Plus research by the Wellcome Trust shows it can be one the best investments a school can make to transform pupil outcomes, teacher confidence and staff retention.

Call us for a demo lesson today

Einstein said, “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” At Sing Education we agree. All our highly-skilled music teachers hail from the best conservatoires and universities. They are talented professional musicians with a passion for teaching.

Quotation marks

Music in our school is special because of this amazing programme. Music is an integral part of the fabric of our school and our children love to make music and feel confident and proud to sing out loud.

Ellie Douthwaite– Head, St Clement & St James CE Primary School

New Strategy for Music?

Blue sky thinking.

When it’s all to play for. Best practice brought to life.

Need brand new foundations for music? Look to Sing Education.

Our unique provision delivers the National Curriculum for Music using proprietary Schemes of Work and learning resources. Teacher recruitment plus ongoing training and management are included as well. We also integrate our expert insight on inclusion, accessibility and student wellbeing. 

All designed to help you successfully embed a new strategy for music at your school.

Two young students in school uniforms are seated on the floor facing each other, their hands up as if in a clapping game, sharing a moment of connection and joy in a classroom setting filled with educational materials. Their expressions suggest engagement and happiness in the learning activity they are participating in.
A new day is dawning in music education. From September 2024, there will be 43 Hub Lead Organisations (HLOs) replacing the existing 116 local Music Hubs. The key to making the new structure work? Strong schools’ leadership, parental engagement, and organisational collaboration.
Spotlight on Morningside Primary. Music lessons in an inclusive yet culturally and ethnically diverse setting. Learn how the headteacher and Sing Education collaborate on high-quality music education in Hackney.
Team. Features. Timetables. SLAs. Price. Choosing a service provider is rarely an easy exercise. But with a decade of supplier experience, Sing Education wants to demystify the process and support your journey. Never settle! Just follow this guide and you’ll avoid catching a case of “buyer’s remorse.” Know. Like. Trust. These are the keys.

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