Teaching with Sing Education

Sing Education offers music graduates employment with training and teaching resources, enabling children to encounter the transformative power of music within primary schools.
New classroom music teacher. Revised curricular approach. First music programme. Whatever the specific requirements, all our primary schools share one thing in common…
Our teaching uses an “I sing”, “You sing” approach which allows children to use their singing voices as a primary instrument to access all areas of music.
Drawing on the Kodály approach, using singing games, percussion and multi-sensory learning, our lessons enable good musical progression.
A high-quality and accessible music education benefits primary schools by raising children’s attainment, enhancing expression and boosting language skills.
Our music provision is uniquely developed in partnership with each individual school, with bespoke timetabling, ongoing training and full management.
Our Progression Map is constantly available to teachers, Ofsted and schools for reviewing the purpose, content and direction of every lesson we conduct.
Vocal and instrumental lessons are valuable in any primary setting as they have a positive impact on children’s confidence, wellbeing and cognitive development.
Workshop performances allow children to share their passion for music with the wider school community and develop their skills mastery and learning progression.
Benefit from high-quality, stress-free music provision and upskill your class teachers through exposure to best-practice lessons by well-trained music teachers.

Sing Education’s Vision and Values

Our values help us to source and train our team to deliver high quality music education, through inspiring a passion for music and constantly honing our craft.

Instrumental Music Fundamentals

Short but sweet 30 minute lessons where instrumental music teacher is required to teach students a variety of instrumental and musicianship skills

Violins, Guitars and Trumpets – Oh My!

With our bespoke team training and shared teaching practises, you will be confident in delivering the highest-quality instrumental and vocal tuition.

Instrumental Teaching: Independence and Support

Join our team of passionate, like-minded musicians and use your training and specialisms to deliver solo and small group music lessons across a full school day.

Join the Team

If you are a music graduate and have a passion for teaching, please apply to join our diverse, specialised team of music teachers here at Sing Education!

Teach with Sing Education

Interested in joining our team of music specialists? Here are the answers to the questions we get asked most about applying for our music teacher roles.

The Sing Education guide to sourcing an instrument for your child

NPME – New Guidance for Delivering Child-Centred Music Education in the UK

In 2011, the DfE debuted its National Plan for Music Education. 11 years on, the guidance gets refreshed. Learn how.

Changing Schools, Changing Lives with Primary School Music Education

Music as a foundation subject requires specialist resources. Transform your primary music programme to meet new NPME guidance.

Music Development Plans – New Vision for Primary Music

Learn how to articulate your school’s plan for delivering high-quality music education and supporting pupil progression.

Music Education Beyond the Classroom

Extracurricular music increases academic aspiration. It also safeguards our heritage and provides valuable life experience that should be open to all. Learn how.

Excellent Music Teaching Requires Excellent Music Training

Great music teachers don’t grow on trees – neither do great music teaching skills. Learn how teachers can excel at music education.

Hubs And Spokes | Cover and Instrumental Teaching – Find Your Musical Groove

Working musicians value flexibility, independence. Working musicians specialising in cover or instrumental tuition for Sing Education get that PLUS plus training, resources, support and consistent placements.

Hubs And Spokes | Small Group Tuition, Big Pupil Impact

Let the Music Play – Co-Curricular & Instrumental Music Shines Music changes lives. Co-curricular music like clubs, choirs and instrumental tuition add texture and dimension to the core curriculum. See how Sing Education’s offerings, teachers and leadership shine.

Hubs And Spokes | Reborn! The Case for Great Music

St. George’s wanted to serve its pupils, parents and community better. Learn why the headteacher chose music as the heart of its rebirth.

Instrumental is Instrumental – Small Group and 1:1 Music Tuition

As the perfect complement to Sing Education’s curricular offering, our high-calibre music specialists provide active,engaging instrumental lessons to pupils throughout the school day – prioritising musical understanding, enjoyment and progression over perfection.

Inventing, Experimenting, Growing – Musical Creativity Meets Productivity

If you’re not yet familiar with Sing Education, we hope this introduction to our full service music provision, music specialist staff, planning and curriculum resources, as well as our senior leadership team, will encourage you to dive deeper with us.

Co-Curricular Music is Bursting Out All Over

Nativity plays, instrumental concerts, singing assemblies and carolling – join Sing Education as we explore extracurricular music this December.

Primary school music teachers – keep pipeline of music specialists flowing

Primary school music teachers spark our love for piano and singing. They also teach skills to last a lifetime – language, motor skills, emotional intelligence and collaboration. We need more of them.

National Music Hubs – Collaboration Key to Music Education

A new day is dawning in music education. From September 2024, there will be 43 Hub Lead Organisations (HLOs) replacing the existing 116 local Music Hubs. The key to making the new structure work? Strong schools’ leadership, parental engagement, and organisational collaboration.

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